Man spikes girl's drink and gets 18 months prison

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Mr. Kearsley was a Professor of Radiation Oncology and Director of Radiation Oncology at the Cancer Care Centre at St George Hospital. The Victim was a junior medical practitioner and previously worked with Mr. Kearsley.⁣

When Mr. Kearsley's wife was out of town, he requested a dinner invitation with the victim to talk about her career advancement. She accepted the invitation. During dinner, the victim left for the bathroom and he put a tablet of Ativan in her red wine. Ativan is used for anxiety treatment. After a while, the victim said that she started to feel dizzy and Mr. Kearsley told her to lie down. He then attempted to have sex with her but she refused and left the house. The next day, she went to the doctor and the doctor administered a test which showed positive for anxiety medication.⁣

Mr. Kearsley was found guilty of 1. Administering intoxicating substance with intent and 2. Indecent Assault. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

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